This is a resource website on transnational cooperation in the field of posting of workers in Europe, cooperation implemented by the partners successively involved in the projects.
You will find:
Resources to know and understand: studies on the posting of workers, links to useful websites, information about European and national legal frameworks, information about administrative cooperation between the different Member States partners, information about European social partners’ stance and initiatives ...
Resources for action: tools, summaries, sheets relating experiences aimed at improving transnational cooperation between the public authorities of the different countries involved and more generally between the posting stakeholders in Europe.
Information on successive projects, partners, the approach...
June 2024: The project team is pleased to release a summary of the work carried out in the ED6 project on the topic of third countries nationals posted workers (non-EU and EEA). This document is accessible by following this link, in French and English.
The final conference of the project was held on June 14, 2024 online. A document outlining all the activities implemented between January 2023 and June 2024 is available by following this link.
March 2024: Jan Cremers, from the Faculty of Law of Tilburg, proposes, in this working document, to describe the situation of third-country nationals on the European Union labour market.
To access the document, follow this link:TCNs on the EU labour market
Eurodétachement 6-ED6- 101059324
Coordinator : INTEFP
Contact :
Project partners
Public authorities
Belgique : Service public Fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale
Bulgarie: General Labour Inspectorate Executive Agency
Espagne:Organismo Estatal Inspeccion de Trabajo y Securidad Social
Finlande:Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Finlande:Regional State Administrative Agency for Southwestern Finland
France : Direction Générale du Travail
Grèce: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Luxembourg :Inspection du Travail et des Mines (ITM)
Pays Bas : Inspectorate SZW
Norvège:Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority
Pologne : National Labour Inspectorate (Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy)
Portugal : Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho
Roumanie : Labour inspection
Slovaquie: National Labour Inspectorate
Slovénie : National Labour Inspectorate
European social partners
Confédération Européenne des Syndicats - CES-ETUC
European Federation of Building and woodworkers -EFBWW
European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism – EFFAT
Fédération de l'Industrie Européenne de la Construction – FIEC
World Employment Confederation-Europe- WEC Europe
National social partner
Italie : CGIL
Allemagne : Arbeit und Leben Berlin
Allemagne : Arbeit und Leben Hamburg
Platform for International Cooperation on undocumented Migrants- PICUM
Pays-Bas : University of Tilburg
Maximum european grant amount: 516 965 €
PROJECT - "Enhancing administrative cooperation through transnational actions coordinated"
PROJECT "Act on situations of posting of workers: 'Learning by doing"
PROJECT " The Posting of Workers: Improving Collaboration between Social Partners and Government Authorities in Europe"
PROJECT " Common training for labour inspectors and public officials of liaison office on Posting Involved in control and monitoring"
Datos legales |
2015 Todos los derechos reservados INTEFP | Project ID
16 usuarios de la red.